One Sip at a Time, Blog

Letting Go of the "Shoulds" - Susan Burrell


How often do you look for inner guidance?  How often are you seeking an affirmation that you are on the right track? Or when you feel lost or stuck, you look for a sign that will guide you to your next step? We often see signs or synchronicities as a GPS signal from the Unknown that we are supposed to take this road or make this decision.  I find that when I am in the flow of Life, my next step will reveal itself in an organic way.  Yet I have to be aware to see or hear that inner guidance. 

Okay, Okay!! Wait…pause

I will admit there are times that when I attempt to listen to my inner guidance, I then do what I think I SHOULD do, which is often counter intuitive. When I get to that junction of the Should - the thing I thought I should do- I realize I don’t want to do that thing.   For example, go to a yet another marketing conference, hang out with people I don’t resonate with, have another family get-together when I am already over extended.

I often feel stuck with my choice of the Should. Are you with me?? My struggle becomes even more painful as I try to figure out how to get out of the thing I thought I should do.  OMG! What a mind-trap … Not listening within to your inner wisdom will often get you stuck on the wheel of the mind trap.  

I confess that this year has been filled with a myriad of Shoulds which have twisted me up.  Do you have that going on?  Do you commit to a Should because you are afraid of letting someone down? My mother often had a whole bunch of Shoulds that I was supposed to follow: such as whenever we had a family party, I was to be there to not only be the hostess but the waitress and whatever else my mother required.  And I said “Yes” to that!?! 

Developing an entrepreneurial business, we often chase after the next person on our radar who claims to have the bright and shiny solution to how to become a millionaire. Or is that just me?? Anyway, in the course of my seeking answers and guidance to my entrepreneurial questions, I found I would often forgo my inner wisdom, thinking someone else had figured it out for me.  Come to find out that, like Dorothy with the red shoes, there was no place like my inner guidance to gently lead me to where I wanted to go. The best answers to how to build my business reside within my heart.  Listening within always gets me to the next best step.  I have come to find out that not listening to the authorities and influencers outside of my inner guidance, is the best for my business.  I choose to grow my business organically and by word of mouth.

What will you choose?