One Sip at a Time, Blog

What Do I Delete? Susan Burrell

Were you born with that brain-chip that allows you to understand and easily navigate technology?  Have you been willing and able to learn the latest and greatest that tech companies offer in terms of Apps and downloads and whatnot? During this time of becoming virtual, are you having fun doing it or panicking because you might hit the wrong button or delete the thing that you need? 

Oh, boy, I hope I am not the only one who panics I confess - I am a technophobe.  Yep. No matter how many times my son or my spouse patiently show me what to do, the panic rises up within me and I hear my voice becoming whiney, demanding and screechy. Yep, shrill. 

But virtual is the new way: The new paradigm of connection and doing business. Even the internet and the various modalities of group meetings are overwhelmed by the demand. The bandwidth has to be made bigger so everyone can connect at anytime they choose, immediately.  Well how is that working for us? for you? 

Recently, my computer let me know in no uncertain terms that I had to delete things to create more storage.  I am all about “Marie Kondo-ing” stuff.  But when it comes to cyber stuff, I don’t know where it is stored or how to delete it.  Where the hell is that Cloud thingy? And in my typical phobia of technology, I panic. 

In mediation today, I realized that this is what we are all facing.  Where have I stored my “stuff” and how do I delete it so that I can have more?  Literally, where in your mind, body and emotions have you stored old stuff?  Stuff that you no longer need?  How do you get it deleted???  And how do we grow our bandwidth?

Well, that part I do know how to do: Delete the old beliefs and behavior that we default to.   The best way is to go within yourself and ask that Sacred Wisdom place within, “What do I need to delete?” Listen and then take action. Meaning delete it!  Clearing old behaviors and beliefs, old weeds that may surface after a heavy rain (ie panic, fear in your mind) is best done as soon as you recognize  this is something that has to go.  Marie Kondo would ask you if it brings you joy.  I would also ask you not only does it bring you joy, but does it bring you vitality, financial wellness, freedom to be you? And just as importantly, does it allow you to be your best creative self?  

If not, then hit the delete button. Cancel it, clear it and delete it.  Now is the time.


This time of sheltering in place, is the perfect opportunity to clear out all which no longer serves you. It may have worked for you in the past and got you to where you are now, but moving forward, I can almost guarantee the old way of being will no longer support you. It is time to embody the Truth of who you are

It is time to bring your Brilliant, Beautiful, Creative Self to the forefront. 

Clearing out the garbage in your head, what no longer works for you, creates an empty space for Spirit to fill until you are overflowing with new ideas, people, and creativity. You will need this abundant creativity in order for your current self to expand into the new/future self that will help to change the world.   

What do you want to delete so that you can come out better than you were going in? Me? You ask.  What do I want to delete? okay, I’ll bite - I choose to delete my fear of technology.  

Gulp. Yep - gonna do it!