One Sip at a Time, Blog

Love Beyond Measure - By Susan Burrell


This is a very large concept.  Many of us have a concept of Love being amorous or towards our fellow man. (the ones we like at any rate ;))  There is a belief that if I give love I will be loved by those I have given it to - family, friends, those less fortunate.  

In my case, love was always given and received with strings attached.  This started when I was very small, perhaps even before I was born.  If I behaved, I was loved.  If I did well in school, I was loved.  If made my family proud, I was loved. 

I imagine that is true for a majority of humans.  Love with strings, conditions, measurements of how good we were being.  This was not necessarily a conscious teaching or molding of the behavior expected.  It is conditioning that comes down the generational pipeline.  It was what was preached from the pulpit or the temple to the masses for centuries.  Be good and you will be loved - by family, community, God.

Can you begin to see the strings that were attached to this idea of love? The many threads, cords, ropes of inner bondage that have kept us all small? Even those master gurus of consciousness such as Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Mohamed were caught in a web of attached strings - still are. Their followers were taught to love in a certain way - with strings attached.  I believe the healing that each of these prophets promised has not fully manifested on the earth because the followers of these great people and so many more prophets, attached strings to the idea of Love; to the experience of Love.  

But what if we could open ourselves to Love without measure? Without strings? Open to Love that goes beyond any description or experience yet known?  What if love is an energy system that just IS and has always been in existence?  What if it is in the very air we breathe and the water we drink?  Love so vast, so effusive that it is beyond measure or attachment? 

Can you focus your heart on that idea?  To realize that you, me, we, are already in that vast energy system of Love beyond meaning, beyond measure.  Can we fall into that energy?  Allow the sumptuous and exacting experience of Love to raise us to our higher potential which has no defining factor because we haven’t truly allowed it into our experience. 

Love without strings attached to good or bad.  Love without measure because it is indescribable and vast.  Love that we just ARE when we tune into that energy.  

I am choosing to focus on that - Love without measure and am allowing my entire being to absorb it and live it - now!