One Sip at a Time, Blog

Pockets of Darkness Within

I remember when my grandmother would occasionally clean out the pockets of her winter coats.  In those dark recesses she would mostly find lint or an occasional handkerchief that needed washing.  But sometimes she would find coins.  Bright shiny pieces of money that she would use to treat my brother and me to a piece of candy at the Piggly-Wiggly. (This store was like the current 7-eleven but so much better).

What if we were to look into those dark pockets within ourselves?  What would we find?

I’m sure there is plenty of “lint” gathered in those pockets, but what would happen if we found gold?  What if we found the lint within us was merely a form of ignorance? Of un-awakened consciousness?  A consciousness that has been slumbering for eons within our hearts, minds and souls?  What if??

During 2021, I was on a quest to shine the light on those deep, dark pockets within me to uncover what I needed to see. I wanted to find balance, love, forgiveness and acceptance to name a few qualities.  This took daily dedication and focus. I had to open myself up to the wisdom of my heart that had been waiting to be heard.  I had to illuminate my entire being with love and light so that I could heal from within.  I wanted to feel. Truly feel the Oneness of All Being. 

What I found on this journey was that I had much more “lint” to clear out of my pockets than my grandmother had in hers. That “lint” was the beliefs systems that had been passed down to me as a child but also beliefs I made up as I began to live this current life.  This “lint” represented the darkness that covered my beauty, my wisdom, my light.  Daily I would look within to see what amazing treasures I could find in those pockets of darkness. 

And guess what? I have been healing!  I have become more love and more-light. The wisdom within me has been guiding me to self-acceptance and self-love. I am loving my inner child, my 20-something self who felt ashamed of the choices she made.  I have cleared ancestral trauma and generational behaviors that had been passed down for centuries.  I kid you not!

Those few small coins I found in the pockets of darkness within me turned into radiant gems of many colors.  The inner healing is radiating out to my physical body.  What a gift! 

I encourage you to look within your dark pockets and find the beautiful gems of light and love that you have always been.  During this season of darkness, of winter, take time daily to awaken your inner consciousness. Illuminate from within, your inner gifts, your beauty and your light.  The light within you can truly move you into the awareness of Oneness with Source Energy.  The I AM Presence.