One Sip at a Time, Blog

Are we there yet? Susan Burrell

Do you have a destination in life?  Do you even know where you are going?  What if the road never ends? Then what? Do you have the patience and the perseverance to continue?

Looking for some guidance or assistance? I encourage you to listen to one of my podcasts, “Empowering Chats With Susan Burrell”. They are thought provoking and inspirational, giving you a shot in the arm (sorry ;) of empowerment to keep going on your journey.

I always wanted to know where I was going and where my destination was.  That way I could make plans and “be prepared.”  Except that Life isn’t orderly or even thoughtful.  There are always changes you can’t plan for, only adjust to.  And this is where transformation occurs, in the uncomfortable unknown side of Life. Once transformed, you might feel empowered or even in control of your destiny, even if only for a little while.

Living an empowered life on the other side of transformation isn’t an end game because there is always something else to transform.  In order to become empowered, we have to make an inner commitment to growth and expansion.  Then we are empowered for a while, until the next dynamic shift in our awareness or consciousness requires more growth and expansion.

And isn’t that what we are seeking when we do the deep inner transformational work? I believe we are seeking more freedom, more happiness, more joy as well as a place to be truly who we are meant to be.  It requires a few spiritual qualities that can be developed within you, such as courage, forgiveness and compassion - you know, things like that.

Live An Empowered Life: A 30 Day Journey Book is crafted to support your inner transformation from confusion, low esteem and fear into empowerment. I know, I lived it … and in 2020 I am launching Journey Circlesa 6-week book study, led by me, to help guide those interested in taking this Journey to an Empowered Life.  For more information on the Journey Circles, click here.

Let’s face it, Life is meant to be LIVED …
and why not live it from a place of inner connection and empowerment?

Here I am with my partner, Kevin Macey, as we finished up a hike outside of Stonehaven, Scotland. Experiencing this hike and this journey of exploration through Scotland was pure joy.

Here I am with my partner, Kevin Macey, as we finished up a hike outside of Stonehaven, Scotland. Experiencing this hike and this journey of exploration through Scotland was pure joy.